Have a listen, available for the next 7 days. I discuss the Small Faces for 15 minutes with Robert Elms.
1 hour in , just after the news.
Everything you need to know about London from architecture to accents and great music
PAOLO HEWITT official BLOG. Author of over 20 books. Now follow me on FACEBOOK for the latest information and contact.
Now you can follow me on FACEBOOK
For up-to-the-minute news please also follow me on Facebook.com under "Paolo Hewitt" email info@paolohewitt.co.uk
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Check out my own brand of Knitwear!
Check out my own brand of Knitwear!
PAolo17 - Knitwear -
DNA Men's clothing
Dark burgundy with sky loop; PAOLO HEWITT design, merino wool, fully fashioned, mother of pearl buttons; MAde in Italy by DNA, limited edition; machine washable, trim fit

December 20, 2010
PAolo Hewitt knits online
Have uploaded the new PAolo Hewitt designed knitted tops, made by DNA with finest merino wool, in a number of colour combinations and in a 50 piece limited edition.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Young Mods Forgotten Story - Released 29th November 2010
I updated the book last July, added about another five to seven thousand words. Plus it has loads of new pictures, many I had never seen before. The book comes in a different format to the original and looks great - even if I say so myself. Which I do.
OUT TODAY: The Young Mods Forgotten Story
The Young Mods Forgotten Story - The Story of The Small Faces
Fully updated and available exclusively at HMV stores. Out today!
More details shortly.
Fully updated and available exclusively at HMV stores. Out today!
More details shortly.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Looked After Kid is now available for immediate purchase (or free sample download) on all Kindle editions. Kindle device, PC, MAC, Blackberry or Iphone
Direct Link to the Book - UK Store - The Looked After Kid
If you can please can you review the book on the Amazon Kindle page to increase awareness.
The Kindle - Free 3G and WIFI for Life Worldwide use ... Amazon claim this is their best selling device week on week.
Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation
Direct Link to the Book - UK Store - The Looked After Kid
If you can please can you review the book on the Amazon Kindle page to increase awareness.
The Kindle - Free 3G and WIFI for Life Worldwide use ... Amazon claim this is their best selling device week on week.
Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Looked After Kid will see release on the Kindle platform in October - This brings the book to an even wider audience.
More details once the release date is secured.
More details once the release date is secured.
Direct link to ITUNES page
Here's the direct link to the Itunes store showing the reviews and book details. From here you can download the free ibook app then within that the book instantly in UK, USA, Canada, France & Germany.
Reading from 'The Looked After Kid' with backing from The Stone Foundation!
The band 'The Stone Foundation' have come up with a five minute track that'll form the backing for my reading of extracts from my book, The Looked After Kid.
Details on my Facebook page
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The title is now available from the Apple Store (released 01/08/10) for instant purchase in UK, USA, Canada, France and Germany. More areas are possible when released by Apple.
Please download the free sample - nearly 2 chapters - and if you like it then you have the option to instantly unlock the full book.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The book can be downloaded as a free sample or purchased.
It will be immediately available in UK, USA, Canada, France and Germany.
I have signed to WHOLEPOINT to release ebooks (Apple)
WHOLEPOINT PUBLICATIONS to release titles on ebook (Apple)
There will be a press release as soon as the book is available for sale on Apples Ibook Store but for now visit Wholepoint (Who released a book on The Style Council featuring the Cappuccino Kid) for full information.
More on this new technology soon .....

More on this new technology soon .....
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Where was I? Oh yes, in Brighton giving a reading ...
Where was I? Oh yes, in Brighton giving a reading at the launch of Charlie McQuakers fine pulp novel, Die Hard Mod. I have known Charlie for quite a few years now (hold the jokes) met him when he and chap named Bosie shot a four minute doc for TV about mod which featured yours truly with much shorter hair.
He contacted me recently about his book which features a Northern Ireland Mod named Steve who is forced to flee Belfast and so heads for Brighton where the love of his life lives. Naturally, there are loads of Quadrophenia tugs - scooters flying over cliffs, Ace Faces stalking the narrative etc. Refreshingly, the book does not pretend to be anything other than what it is, a good pulp experience right down to its cover. At the launch I read the intro from my book The Sharper Word, met some good people, had a few drinks, then off to hotel Pelirocco to meet my friend and writer Cathi Unsworth of whom I am a great fan.
Check her and her books at this site -http://cathiunsworth.weebly.com/ . She is my idea of a treasure. Found her in the bar with several others, including a Howard Gunnell who gave me his book Marine Boy and some very nice compliments. Ended up putting the world to rights in Cathis' room until one in the morning with Cathi, her man Mike, Brian,, his colourful publisher and partner and maybe a few others but who knows?
Stayed at Brian's who in the morning made me coffee and a fantastic Scott Walker CD, a collection of his songs where the great man actually sings and does not go for the Jacques Brel doom laden vocal sound he applies to so much of his music and which has always put me off him. Have been playing nothing else since. God Bless you Scott and God bless all the England fans who in the midst of a terrible recession somehow found the cash to travel thousands of miles only to be sneered at by Wayne Rooney, a man whose right to be considered one of the best players in the world has surely run thin now.
His contempt for those who pay his wages and would actually dare to criticise his lacklustre performance sums up the arrogance that runs right through that squad and would convince me at least to put him on the first plane home. That won't happen although when Italy lost in the 1966 World Cup to Korea the Italian players flew home to be greeted at the airport by an angry vegetable throwing mob at the airport.
Heaven forbid that should ever happen to such a committed and talented England squad..............
He contacted me recently about his book which features a Northern Ireland Mod named Steve who is forced to flee Belfast and so heads for Brighton where the love of his life lives. Naturally, there are loads of Quadrophenia tugs - scooters flying over cliffs, Ace Faces stalking the narrative etc. Refreshingly, the book does not pretend to be anything other than what it is, a good pulp experience right down to its cover. At the launch I read the intro from my book The Sharper Word, met some good people, had a few drinks, then off to hotel Pelirocco to meet my friend and writer Cathi Unsworth of whom I am a great fan.
Check her and her books at this site -http://cathiunsworth.weebl
Stayed at Brian's who in the morning made me coffee and a fantastic Scott Walker CD, a collection of his songs where the great man actually sings and does not go for the Jacques Brel doom laden vocal sound he applies to so much of his music and which has always put me off him. Have been playing nothing else since. God Bless you Scott and God bless all the England fans who in the midst of a terrible recession somehow found the cash to travel thousands of miles only to be sneered at by Wayne Rooney, a man whose right to be considered one of the best players in the world has surely run thin now.
His contempt for those who pay his wages and would actually dare to criticise his lacklustre performance sums up the arrogance that runs right through that squad and would convince me at least to put him on the first plane home. That won't happen although when Italy lost in the 1966 World Cup to Korea the Italian players flew home to be greeted at the airport by an angry vegetable throwing mob at the airport.
Heaven forbid that should ever happen to such a committed and talented England squad..............
Not much work on at the moment ...
Not much work on at the moment so am catching up with folk. Had coffee in the morning with Mr Jeff Barrett of Heavenly Records.
Great to catch up with him.I hung out a lot with Jeff in the 90s and he put me onto so much good music I remain forever in his debt. It is why I dedicated The Sharper Word to Jeff and his family. Today he is involved with the great Caught By the River web site which mixes great nature with quality tips towards great books, films, music etc. Jeff tells me how hard it has been for his company Heavenly Records since EMI dropped them and I think to myself I must write him something for his website on the Van Morrison album Common One, a true countryside lover's album. Most of the songs are about hills and valleys and Coleridge and Wordsworth smoking dope. He hands over to me the new Cherry Ghost album which is a stunna, especially Kissing Strangers and Only A Mother Could, two absolute gems.
Kissing in particular should be the hit of the summer, gorgeous transcendent pop music. After Jeff and I part I hook up with Gary C, Simon Wells and Mr Baxter and we take a little stroll down to the Dickens house on Doughty Street in Holborn. Incredible how much Dickens involved himself in - novels, journalism and running house for 'stricken women' and raising a family. A quite incredible man and still one of my favouriite writers. Great Expectations is for me his masterpiece though I can not say I know his entire oeuvre. After the house we stop at nearby pub and let the sunshine envelope us.
A lovely day for which I thank God and hope he may bless you.
Great to catch up with him.I hung out a lot with Jeff in the 90s and he put me onto so much good music I remain forever in his debt. It is why I dedicated The Sharper Word to Jeff and his family. Today he is involved with the great Caught By the River web site which mixes great nature with quality tips towards great books, films, music etc. Jeff tells me how hard it has been for his company Heavenly Records since EMI dropped them and I think to myself I must write him something for his website on the Van Morrison album Common One, a true countryside lover's album. Most of the songs are about hills and valleys and Coleridge and Wordsworth smoking dope. He hands over to me the new Cherry Ghost album which is a stunna, especially Kissing Strangers and Only A Mother Could, two absolute gems.
Kissing in particular should be the hit of the summer, gorgeous transcendent pop music. After Jeff and I part I hook up with Gary C, Simon Wells and Mr Baxter and we take a little stroll down to the Dickens house on Doughty Street in Holborn. Incredible how much Dickens involved himself in - novels, journalism and running house for 'stricken women' and raising a family. A quite incredible man and still one of my favouriite writers. Great Expectations is for me his masterpiece though I can not say I know his entire oeuvre. After the house we stop at nearby pub and let the sunshine envelope us.
A lovely day for which I thank God and hope he may bless you.
17th June
Where was I? Oh yes, filming the latest episode of Svengali (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-b1ZuLwYG ) in Fopps, Covent Garden. With me, Jonathan Owen, Martin Freeman, Jenni Davies. Good script, as ever. Martin F is the mod manager of Fopps, Jonathan and Jenni his useless employees. Then Boy G walks in.....Good day filming, everyone in good shape, Mr Freeman has just finished playing Watson for a BBC Sherlock series set in modern times coming up in September, plus has a new film with Bill Nighy plastered on the side of buses. As soon as he arrived and once the formalities were done with, he and Jonathan and Jenni set about making the episode the best they could. Have known Martin for a few years now. He is as you would expect, top man. Shit at returning phone calls, no interest in football, loves a cape, but that aside, ticks my boxes. If you ever get the chance see his performance as Rembrandt for Peter Greenaway. It is brilliant, absolutely and my favourite part of his work, by a mohair mile. Seek out.
Meanwhile Kevin from Baracuta, Eddie from Acid Jazz popped in, both dapper and good company. Eddie is a lot more relaxed these days, a consequence he thinks of not smoking half of Essex every morning. Which probably helps. In late August he is republishing my Small faces biog The Young Mod's Forgotten Story. I updated it a month ago and was nicely surprised by how well it read considering it is now fifteen years old. When it was published people used to come up to me and say your SF book is great. I'd say thanks very much. The pictures are amazing they would say...............
Boy G did not arrive until four. He had seen several Svengali episodes on You Tube and wanted to appear. I first knew the Boy back in the days when he was top of the pops. My Ex - Pearl (RIP baby) used to do his make up. He has certainly been on a trip since those days. He is living proof of the adage that if it does not kill it will only make you stronger. Fittingly, he was in good shape and form, the Boy, chatting openly about prison ('had to call a few people see u nts in the first few weeks and then they stopped taking the piss,') his plans, etc. He seemed nervous talking about his upcoming tour dates but for me this country has always had a place in its heart for him and will love him to death. He reminds me so much of Oscar Wilde - Irish, witty, a dresser of style, King Of The Town and then shame, disaster, prison, followed by a kind of by personal redemption.
I play a customer in this episode. Was going to do my De Niro bit but 'the talent' talked me out of it. Realised afterwards they only did it to save themselves being upstaged.....Stronzas. Now then Inglese, stop your sobbing. You won't win the Cup - Diego will and on my birthday too - but you will have a good one. Now then Neil Sheasby who I will see on the 17th of July for the Dexys event in Birmingham - first few games are always cagey- boring-drab. Things now starten to liven up.
In the meantime, May God Bless you all.
Meanwhile Kevin from Baracuta, Eddie from Acid Jazz popped in, both dapper and good company. Eddie is a lot more relaxed these days, a consequence he thinks of not smoking half of Essex every morning. Which probably helps. In late August he is republishing my Small faces biog The Young Mod's Forgotten Story. I updated it a month ago and was nicely surprised by how well it read considering it is now fifteen years old. When it was published people used to come up to me and say your SF book is great. I'd say thanks very much. The pictures are amazing they would say...............
Boy G did not arrive until four. He had seen several Svengali episodes on You Tube and wanted to appear. I first knew the Boy back in the days when he was top of the pops. My Ex - Pearl (RIP baby) used to do his make up. He has certainly been on a trip since those days. He is living proof of the adage that if it does not kill it will only make you stronger. Fittingly, he was in good shape and form, the Boy, chatting openly about prison ('had to call a few people see u nts in the first few weeks and then they stopped taking the piss,') his plans, etc. He seemed nervous talking about his upcoming tour dates but for me this country has always had a place in its heart for him and will love him to death. He reminds me so much of Oscar Wilde - Irish, witty, a dresser of style, King Of The Town and then shame, disaster, prison, followed by a kind of by personal redemption.
I play a customer in this episode. Was going to do my De Niro bit but 'the talent' talked me out of it. Realised afterwards they only did it to save themselves being upstaged.....Stronzas. Now then Inglese, stop your sobbing. You won't win the Cup - Diego will and on my birthday too - but you will have a good one. Now then Neil Sheasby who I will see on the 17th of July for the Dexys event in Birmingham - first few games are always cagey- boring-drab. Things now starten to liven up.
In the meantime, May God Bless you all.
Monday, June 7, 2010
19th May 2010
Not much work on at the moment so am catching up with folk. Had coffee in the morning with Mr Jeff Barrett of Heavenly Records. Great to catch up with him.I hung out a lot with Jeff in the 90s and he put me onto so much good music I remain forever in his debt. It is why I dedicated The Sharper Word to Jeff and his family. Today he is involved with the great Caught By the River web site which mixes great nature with quality tips towards great books, films, music etc. Jeff tells me how hard it has been for his company Heavenly Records since EMI dropped them and I think to myself I must write him something for his website on the Van Morrison album Common One, a true countryside lover's album. Most of the songs are about hills and valleys and Coleridge and Wordsworth smoking dope. He hands over to me the new Cherry Ghost album which is a stunna, especially Kissing Strangers and Only A Mother Could, two absolute gems.
Kissing in particular should be the hit of the summer, gorgeous transcendent pop music.
After Jeff and I part I hook up with Gary C, Simon Wells and Mr Baxter and we take a little stroll down to the Dickens house on Doughty Street in Holborn. Incredible how much Dickens involved himself in - novels, journalism and running house for 'stricken women' and raising a family. A quite incredible man and still one of my favouriite writers. Great Expectations is for me his masterpiece though I can not say I know his entire oeuvre.
After the house we stop at nearby pub and let the sunshine envelope us. A lovely day for which I thank God and hope he may bless you.
Kissing in particular should be the hit of the summer, gorgeous transcendent pop music.
After Jeff and I part I hook up with Gary C, Simon Wells and Mr Baxter and we take a little stroll down to the Dickens house on Doughty Street in Holborn. Incredible how much Dickens involved himself in - novels, journalism and running house for 'stricken women' and raising a family. A quite incredible man and still one of my favouriite writers. Great Expectations is for me his masterpiece though I can not say I know his entire oeuvre.
After the house we stop at nearby pub and let the sunshine envelope us. A lovely day for which I thank God and hope he may bless you.
5th May 2010
Off to the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgravia Square with my boun amico Marcantonio to see a documentary about the Andorra Star. This was the boat sank by a German submarine in June 1940 carrying mainly Italian prisoners of war from Liverpool to Canada. It is a tragic story.
Many Italians who were interned by the English had sons fighting in the British army and considered themselves British as much as they did Italian. When Benito Mussolini made a speeh declaring war on Great Britain, the very next day thousands of Italains were rounded up and deported to prisoner of war camps. A month later some of them were put onto the Andorra and sent to Canada. Their families were not told of their whereabouts. After the film two Italians spoke movingly about their parent's involvement in this terrible story. Very moving.What impressed was their desire not to apportion blame - this was war, people act foolishly - but to work towards such an event never re-occuring.
Today, Spurs chairman Daniel Levy replied to my email thanking me for my support and professing his hope that Spurs grab three points tonight.I worte back saying whatever happens the season has been a great one for the Spurs. That perked me up as did some Facebook correspondence with Geoff Deane who wants to write about the Mod culture he grew up in circa 69.
That is the thing about Mod, never goes away, just keeps on and on. Me, I am trying to find a way for a new breed of Mod to emerge - the Long Haired Modernist.
Can it be done?
Who knows except the man above and so
God bless.
Many Italians who were interned by the English had sons fighting in the British army and considered themselves British as much as they did Italian. When Benito Mussolini made a speeh declaring war on Great Britain, the very next day thousands of Italains were rounded up and deported to prisoner of war camps. A month later some of them were put onto the Andorra and sent to Canada. Their families were not told of their whereabouts. After the film two Italians spoke movingly about their parent's involvement in this terrible story. Very moving.What impressed was their desire not to apportion blame - this was war, people act foolishly - but to work towards such an event never re-occuring.
Today, Spurs chairman Daniel Levy replied to my email thanking me for my support and professing his hope that Spurs grab three points tonight.I worte back saying whatever happens the season has been a great one for the Spurs. That perked me up as did some Facebook correspondence with Geoff Deane who wants to write about the Mod culture he grew up in circa 69.
That is the thing about Mod, never goes away, just keeps on and on. Me, I am trying to find a way for a new breed of Mod to emerge - the Long Haired Modernist.
Can it be done?
Who knows except the man above and so
God bless.
4th May 2010
Up early as usual. the birds singing sweet melody, a swim, then Church, home with the papers, reading. playing the new album by Richard Warren called Laments. Played twice, impressive stuff.
Loads of discussions with Spurs people about Wednesday especially the man I call the Voice Of Doom who has us already knocked out of the Europa League.
Me? I'm with my man Rob White who thinks we can achieve third place. And why not? Aim for the moon etc. meanwhile, the Voice Of Doom thinks I need help. Wrote to the Independent website about a piece they did on Daniel Levy the Spurs chairman, written by Sam Wallace who I do not normally like. His match reporting always feels one sided and I hate the way he - along with so many others in the press - try to sanitise the game with their callous remarks about players swearing or fans chanting. Still, it was a good piece about Lev and told him so as well as that Harry Redknapp is the manager of the season. Roy Hodgson has done amazing at Fulham but to take a team from relegation worriers to Champs League football in 18 months is astounding.
Read more of the Alistair Taylor book about working with the Fabs, there is an amazing quote in there from Lennon talking about how when he was a kid he would fantasise about beautiful women coming to his bedroom and at a click of his fingers disrobing and then making love to him.
In The Beatles, that is exactly what he got to do but after a while instead of enjoying the climatic moment - 'when for that second you don't need anything or anybody but are just as one' - he suddenly felt nothing but revulsion. Be careful what you wish for is the message.
God bless. Paolo
Loads of discussions with Spurs people about Wednesday especially the man I call the Voice Of Doom who has us already knocked out of the Europa League.
Me? I'm with my man Rob White who thinks we can achieve third place. And why not? Aim for the moon etc. meanwhile, the Voice Of Doom thinks I need help. Wrote to the Independent website about a piece they did on Daniel Levy the Spurs chairman, written by Sam Wallace who I do not normally like. His match reporting always feels one sided and I hate the way he - along with so many others in the press - try to sanitise the game with their callous remarks about players swearing or fans chanting. Still, it was a good piece about Lev and told him so as well as that Harry Redknapp is the manager of the season. Roy Hodgson has done amazing at Fulham but to take a team from relegation worriers to Champs League football in 18 months is astounding.
Read more of the Alistair Taylor book about working with the Fabs, there is an amazing quote in there from Lennon talking about how when he was a kid he would fantasise about beautiful women coming to his bedroom and at a click of his fingers disrobing and then making love to him.
In The Beatles, that is exactly what he got to do but after a while instead of enjoying the climatic moment - 'when for that second you don't need anything or anybody but are just as one' - he suddenly felt nothing but revulsion. Be careful what you wish for is the message.
God bless. Paolo
Got so many messages about keeping up the diary - for which many many thanks - that I now bow to huge public pressure and decided to carry it on. My main concern about the diary was being too open.
A lot of my life at the moment is taken up by work and the last thing I need to do is give away my ideas before they reach fruition. With that in mind....Spent yesterday lunchtime with a band called The Branco Heist who I have a lot of time for. They have about four or five great songs and many good ones to back them up. They are also getting better as the days pass which is always the acid test for me. Dennis The Menace kindly came along to the meet and gave them a few ideas about promotion to them and their managers John and Andy. Both are big Goonas but expressed their wish - as have other Gooners - that we we beat Man City on Wednesday. In fact they want Arsenal to lose their next two games and us overtake them for third spot so as to to give their club a huge kick up the proverbials.
When I then invited them to watch the game with me so as to ehar them shout, Come On You Spurs they politely declined for some reason. Very strange. Branco are playing this Thursday election night at the Luxe which is in Spitalfields. Admission free as well so it is a good time to catch them. Went swimming after the meet and then back home to read Alastair Taylor's biog which ahs been very kindly elnt to me by my clsoe Amico, Signor Chandler who looks after the south east part of the operation. When Epstein signed the Beatles he offered Taylor two and a half per cent of future income on the band. Taylor turned him down, reckoned he lost 150 million in doing so.
Book is very interesting. Lovely Macca story. When he signs to Epstein and says well I hope this band is going to be big but don't worry if it is not because I am going to be a huge star. I have a theory that at fourteen years of age most people who become greatly successful know this at that age and that success is just a matter of time. Good idea for a book book that looking at success and...see there you go, giving my ideas away again.
Met ian Munn St lunchtime, had a nice chat and drink with him. Spoke about e Books. Got the rights to my oasis books back so going to look into the possibility with them. Day before Iain ventured to the Elephant and Castle where he 'lost' his seventy quid headphones...strange that.
Loving You Tube at the moment. Today am on Nick Drake and a lot of Marmalade. On my stereo are Dexys, Van Morrison and Brian Wilson Specifically Until I Beleive In My Soul and My National Pride by Dexys, When Will I Ever Learn To Live with God and The Mystery by Van and Lay Burden Down by Brian Wilson, written the day he discovered his broth
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
2nd February 2009
2nd February 2009
Busy day at the computer yesterday - Ronnie Lane comp, proposal for a newspaper, and work on the Remarkable Orphans book. Re the latter, discovered what I hate the most about writing. Not being able to type properly. I type two fingered, have done since day one and I blame one man and one man alone - the Pope. Yes, Il Papa, you are to blame. Here is why. At some point, the Pope sanctioned the opening of Catholic schools. I went to one. SJB in Woking. Proud to have done so. When I was 14 I realised what I wanted to be in life, an NME reporter. Some months later my school announced that the timetable was about to change. On a specific afternoon - I think a Wednesday - boys could do girls lessons - home domestic (or whatever they called it then) typing - and girls could do boys lessons - woodwork, technical drawing. (Incidentally, I once got five per cent in a TD exam. I was told that three of those points were for spelling my name correctly) Great, I thought, I can learn typing. I went up to the classroom on the given time only to be told by the teacher that i was not there to learn typing but to gawp at all the girls there. I was thrown out. So thank you Il Papa for creating schools and a religion that allowed teachers like that to work. It means that every time I write now it sometimes coemns out oiek this and I have to go back and correct before I can move on.
So God bless you, God bless Il Papa and God bless all the staff and students and typewriters of SJB Catholic School Woking.
Busy day at the computer yesterday - Ronnie Lane comp, proposal for a newspaper, and work on the Remarkable Orphans book. Re the latter, discovered what I hate the most about writing. Not being able to type properly. I type two fingered, have done since day one and I blame one man and one man alone - the Pope. Yes, Il Papa, you are to blame. Here is why. At some point, the Pope sanctioned the opening of Catholic schools. I went to one. SJB in Woking. Proud to have done so. When I was 14 I realised what I wanted to be in life, an NME reporter. Some months later my school announced that the timetable was about to change. On a specific afternoon - I think a Wednesday - boys could do girls lessons - home domestic (or whatever they called it then) typing - and girls could do boys lessons - woodwork, technical drawing. (Incidentally, I once got five per cent in a TD exam. I was told that three of those points were for spelling my name correctly) Great, I thought, I can learn typing. I went up to the classroom on the given time only to be told by the teacher that i was not there to learn typing but to gawp at all the girls there. I was thrown out. So thank you Il Papa for creating schools and a religion that allowed teachers like that to work. It means that every time I write now it sometimes coemns out oiek this and I have to go back and correct before I can move on.
So God bless you, God bless Il Papa and God bless all the staff and students and typewriters of SJB Catholic School Woking.
1st February 2010
1st February 2010
Speak to long time friend Rhoda on Sat. night. She asks about diary. Or lack of. Explain that what was intended to be a daily discipline is now a weekly one. Time to rectify this situation especially as February has just opened for business. Last night I go to bed at midnight. I awake, think not a bad sleep, look over at clock - 4.41 a.m. Spend thirty mins trying to hit the nods and then give up. I write this now at 5.53. A week to detail. As ever best to work backwards. Yesterday morning, worked on Ronnie Lane comp and then over to Mal's to watch United demolish the Goonas. Was going to text my Goona friends, Tony M (Boney M?) and John L. in particular, but then reasoned, no, silence is much more effective. Christian who lives with Mal watches the game. He is in a band called Siren Siren. At half time he plays us the latest song he has been working on. The word massive chart hit springs to mind. Dirty Den is also present. During the course of conversation about Twitter, he hilariously hits upon the idea of starting a thing called Twatter. (Copywright D. Dervish 2010 in case your thinking of moving in.) With Twatter you post the names of people who have just acted - eh - twattishly towards you. Could be your mates, your family, a player in your football team, your whole football team, a new record, a new band, a new film etc. As we discuss the possibilities, Jamie Redknapp appears on Sky. I know say says Den, we can give it the slogan Don't Book It -Twat It! Talking of which, loads of jokes about John Terry flying about. The less offensive ones are to do with mending Bridges...Saturday, working again on Ronnie comp and come across a mystery which maybe some of you could solve. On the live BBC sessions that my man Mr Hellier so kindly sent me, Ronnie plays a song called Lost which then segues into his hit single, How Come. Lost is introduced as a track from the album Mahoney's Last Stand which Ronnie made with Ron Wood in 1972 for the film of the same name. Yet on the album itself no such song is listed. Anyone with any info? In the afternoon Nipper picks me up and we go to a great pub in Wood Green to watch Spurs. Naturally, they play very well, absolutely control the game, go one up and then............ fall to pieces. Birmingham equalise in the last minute. This is nothing new and I mean nothing new. Recently, I was reading a newspaper match report from 19 oh something. Spurs are playing Huddersfield. We are 5-0 up. Score at final whistle? Five all. Even back then we were throwing away games. In fact, there is something very comforting in this, to know that over a hundred years ago that Spurs were still fucking up and supporters were still sitting in pubs just as we were cursing the team's inability to keep a lead. Friday, spent the day at Anthony's working on a new film script based around my children's home books. It is the Mumper idea, e.g. real characters placed in a fictional story. We make good progress. The new book is still in the air, though, although I have an idea what to do with it. Have to write it first to see if it works. Thursday I attend the wedding of Claire and Luciano. I met Claire thru George and Jenny who I have known a million years. Claire now works for the UN. She is many things but above all she is impossibly clever with a huge heart. (I find the two do not often go together) She reads books in about ten minutes flat, writes beautifully and does the best to help people in impossible situations such as Iraq. Luciano whose family hail from near Napoli, works beside her. They have just had a daughter named Delilah. Everything seems to be going their way and that is always a great thing to see. The lovely day unfolds and I end up back at George's where I hear a Prince song called The Tears In My Eyes which blows me away. Years ago I interviewed Stevie Wonder for the NME. Wonder told me he would never produce albums of the quality as those of his 70s work but there would always be one or two songs to watch out for. That principle seems to apply to Prince. This song is a killa. My two other fave songs at the moment are the new singles from Turin Brakes and Fyfe from the Guilemots. Wednesday I went to see the film The Prophet with Eugene. Fantastic film. made by the same guy - Jacques Audiard - who remade Fingers. Again, his film is dominated by one brillaint actor and is not only gripping but very clever too. Also, through vigorous prompting by the good Councillor Iain Munn of Dundee, I looked further into the E Book phenomenon. Although there is a part of me that wants no part in this turn of events, the truth is I have to get involved and get involved now. E Books are the future. Ten years from now we will all be on them. Tuesday it was Spurs in the freezing cold beating Fulham two nil and Monday I have no idea what went on. Oh. I sent an e mail of apology to an old writing flame of mine who I discovered I had stupidly offended years ago. He was very gracious in his reply.
So God bless Tony Parsons, God bless Rhoida and her children, and God bless you. Paolo
Speak to long time friend Rhoda on Sat. night. She asks about diary. Or lack of. Explain that what was intended to be a daily discipline is now a weekly one. Time to rectify this situation especially as February has just opened for business. Last night I go to bed at midnight. I awake, think not a bad sleep, look over at clock - 4.41 a.m. Spend thirty mins trying to hit the nods and then give up. I write this now at 5.53. A week to detail. As ever best to work backwards. Yesterday morning, worked on Ronnie Lane comp and then over to Mal's to watch United demolish the Goonas. Was going to text my Goona friends, Tony M (Boney M?) and John L. in particular, but then reasoned, no, silence is much more effective. Christian who lives with Mal watches the game. He is in a band called Siren Siren. At half time he plays us the latest song he has been working on. The word massive chart hit springs to mind. Dirty Den is also present. During the course of conversation about Twitter, he hilariously hits upon the idea of starting a thing called Twatter. (Copywright D. Dervish 2010 in case your thinking of moving in.) With Twatter you post the names of people who have just acted - eh - twattishly towards you. Could be your mates, your family, a player in your football team, your whole football team, a new record, a new band, a new film etc. As we discuss the possibilities, Jamie Redknapp appears on Sky. I know say says Den, we can give it the slogan Don't Book It -Twat It! Talking of which, loads of jokes about John Terry flying about. The less offensive ones are to do with mending Bridges...Saturday, working again on Ronnie comp and come across a mystery which maybe some of you could solve. On the live BBC sessions that my man Mr Hellier so kindly sent me, Ronnie plays a song called Lost which then segues into his hit single, How Come. Lost is introduced as a track from the album Mahoney's Last Stand which Ronnie made with Ron Wood in 1972 for the film of the same name. Yet on the album itself no such song is listed. Anyone with any info? In the afternoon Nipper picks me up and we go to a great pub in Wood Green to watch Spurs. Naturally, they play very well, absolutely control the game, go one up and then............ fall to pieces. Birmingham equalise in the last minute. This is nothing new and I mean nothing new. Recently, I was reading a newspaper match report from 19 oh something. Spurs are playing Huddersfield. We are 5-0 up. Score at final whistle? Five all. Even back then we were throwing away games. In fact, there is something very comforting in this, to know that over a hundred years ago that Spurs were still fucking up and supporters were still sitting in pubs just as we were cursing the team's inability to keep a lead. Friday, spent the day at Anthony's working on a new film script based around my children's home books. It is the Mumper idea, e.g. real characters placed in a fictional story. We make good progress. The new book is still in the air, though, although I have an idea what to do with it. Have to write it first to see if it works. Thursday I attend the wedding of Claire and Luciano. I met Claire thru George and Jenny who I have known a million years. Claire now works for the UN. She is many things but above all she is impossibly clever with a huge heart. (I find the two do not often go together) She reads books in about ten minutes flat, writes beautifully and does the best to help people in impossible situations such as Iraq. Luciano whose family hail from near Napoli, works beside her. They have just had a daughter named Delilah. Everything seems to be going their way and that is always a great thing to see. The lovely day unfolds and I end up back at George's where I hear a Prince song called The Tears In My Eyes which blows me away. Years ago I interviewed Stevie Wonder for the NME. Wonder told me he would never produce albums of the quality as those of his 70s work but there would always be one or two songs to watch out for. That principle seems to apply to Prince. This song is a killa. My two other fave songs at the moment are the new singles from Turin Brakes and Fyfe from the Guilemots. Wednesday I went to see the film The Prophet with Eugene. Fantastic film. made by the same guy - Jacques Audiard - who remade Fingers. Again, his film is dominated by one brillaint actor and is not only gripping but very clever too. Also, through vigorous prompting by the good Councillor Iain Munn of Dundee, I looked further into the E Book phenomenon. Although there is a part of me that wants no part in this turn of events, the truth is I have to get involved and get involved now. E Books are the future. Ten years from now we will all be on them. Tuesday it was Spurs in the freezing cold beating Fulham two nil and Monday I have no idea what went on. Oh. I sent an e mail of apology to an old writing flame of mine who I discovered I had stupidly offended years ago. He was very gracious in his reply.
So God bless Tony Parsons, God bless Rhoida and her children, and God bless you. Paolo
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Sunday, 24 January 2010 at 07:50
S. went to see Michelle and Mike, welcome their new baby Cassie into the world. Mike asked about my diary - or lack of it - so has I have awoken early Sunday morning ( at an hour I once used to get home at) thought I would use the time to catch up. I'll have to work backwards. Yesterday Spurs were robbed again by a ref who wrongly gave Leeds a last min pen. Why in the 21st century the biggest sport in the world refuses to embrace technology is absolutely beyond me. Hugely annoying. On Friday had lunch with my old features editor from the NME, Tony Stewart. Great to see him. He always did have a very likeable dry sense of humour that boy. Came away feeling nice. Went to George and Jenny's Friday night. After 21 years together they are finally tying the knot in March. Well, George is Greek and you know how they like to put on their togas get in the steam baths and really philosophise about a subject. To marry or not to marry? Well, as Plato once said.............Thursday went to NFT with the Sohemian Society to see a great Lewis Gilbert film from 1953 called Cosh Boy starring amongst others a very young and beautiful Joan Collins. The film was about a gang of kids in Battersea who spend their time robbing and stealing. The film's message was simple - if these kids had got a good belting from their parents when they were younger they would not have turned into juvenile delinquents. And damm right too. What got me were their clothes, the boys wearing two button jackets, large lapels, ties, shirts, hair greased back. They looked fabulous, not even british but very European. One of them even wore turn ups on his trousers even though they were not jeans. More and more the Fifties draw me in. Afterwards, we went to the Festival bar, sat around swapping stories about large hopes in small towns, upbringings and films and books and ideas etc. Again, came away feeling nice. On train home came up with an idea for a talk which I will pitch to them. Lunchtime that day I had met up with Rebecca and David from my agency. The book company who I gave my Remarkable Orphans project to have asked for certain things. Not sure I can give it to them. Or more to the point want to give to them. We agree to think about it further. Might mean having to find another company to publish it. Both agents are very supportive. Lucky to have them. And to be honest I am not at all worried by this turn of events. I have every faith in this project. Know it will be great when it happens. On Wednesday worked with Ant on a new screenplay based around my book. Our first script together Notting Dale now has two producers on board. Everyone who reads it is very complimentary. Done correctly this film could be huge. Also got news that the first draft of the script for the film of our book the Mumper should be ready soon. Looking forward to that. Monday and Tuesday finished off Madness sleeve notes. Their 1988 album the Madness contains some fascinating material I have to say. Wednesday night watched Howard Webb the referee again mess up and not allow a perfectly good Spurs goal. He fucked us up at Old Trafford last year, the Bridge earlier this season and now at Anfield. A hat trick! Well done sir! You truly are below par. Talking of Spurs is where I came in so I would just like to finish by saying it is now 7.30 Sunday morning and today I will mainly be reading, swimming, talking to God and watching football. God bless all refs, God bless you.
S. went to see Michelle and Mike, welcome their new baby Cassie into the world. Mike asked about my diary - or lack of it - so has I have awoken early Sunday morning ( at an hour I once used to get home at) thought I would use the time to catch up. I'll have to work backwards. Yesterday Spurs were robbed again by a ref who wrongly gave Leeds a last min pen. Why in the 21st century the biggest sport in the world refuses to embrace technology is absolutely beyond me. Hugely annoying. On Friday had lunch with my old features editor from the NME, Tony Stewart. Great to see him. He always did have a very likeable dry sense of humour that boy. Came away feeling nice. Went to George and Jenny's Friday night. After 21 years together they are finally tying the knot in March. Well, George is Greek and you know how they like to put on their togas get in the steam baths and really philosophise about a subject. To marry or not to marry? Well, as Plato once said.............Thursday went to NFT with the Sohemian Society to see a great Lewis Gilbert film from 1953 called Cosh Boy starring amongst others a very young and beautiful Joan Collins. The film was about a gang of kids in Battersea who spend their time robbing and stealing. The film's message was simple - if these kids had got a good belting from their parents when they were younger they would not have turned into juvenile delinquents. And damm right too. What got me were their clothes, the boys wearing two button jackets, large lapels, ties, shirts, hair greased back. They looked fabulous, not even british but very European. One of them even wore turn ups on his trousers even though they were not jeans. More and more the Fifties draw me in. Afterwards, we went to the Festival bar, sat around swapping stories about large hopes in small towns, upbringings and films and books and ideas etc. Again, came away feeling nice. On train home came up with an idea for a talk which I will pitch to them. Lunchtime that day I had met up with Rebecca and David from my agency. The book company who I gave my Remarkable Orphans project to have asked for certain things. Not sure I can give it to them. Or more to the point want to give to them. We agree to think about it further. Might mean having to find another company to publish it. Both agents are very supportive. Lucky to have them. And to be honest I am not at all worried by this turn of events. I have every faith in this project. Know it will be great when it happens. On Wednesday worked with Ant on a new screenplay based around my book. Our first script together Notting Dale now has two producers on board. Everyone who reads it is very complimentary. Done correctly this film could be huge. Also got news that the first draft of the script for the film of our book the Mumper should be ready soon. Looking forward to that. Monday and Tuesday finished off Madness sleeve notes. Their 1988 album the Madness contains some fascinating material I have to say. Wednesday night watched Howard Webb the referee again mess up and not allow a perfectly good Spurs goal. He fucked us up at Old Trafford last year, the Bridge earlier this season and now at Anfield. A hat trick! Well done sir! You truly are below par. Talking of Spurs is where I came in so I would just like to finish by saying it is now 7.30 Sunday morning and today I will mainly be reading, swimming, talking to God and watching football. God bless all refs, God bless you.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
15th & 16th January 2010
Got some bad news on Friday, have not been near computer. Friday was a wash out, Saturday came across a real treat on Sky Arts One. First, the Robert Mugge doc on Al Green, a performer I have adored ever since I heard How Can You Mend (A Broken Heart) written by those great songwriters, the Gibb Brothers. The doc works on two levels. It not only tells his story but also spends a lot of time in Al's church. After Al delivers his Sermon, he goes into a song called The Lord Will Find A Way Somehow which ends with his jacket absolutely drenched in sweat. Apparently he once played a gig in San Fransisco and then flew to Disneyland to do a midnight show. With him was his girlfriend. After the show they went back to his hotel. Al says he was too tired for any activity and went to a separate bed to sleep. He said he woke up at four thirty in the morning praising the Lord, talking as they say in voices. He said he has never felt so great in all his life. And that was it. He gave his life to the Lord and set up his own church. What struck me was the humour Al deployed when recounting his conversion. He wasn't trying to convince the world, he was telling of his experience. 'I had a million dollar career on one hand and the Lord on the other. I am going on stage and I'm playing to people at two in the morning in a club and they are sipping whiskey and they are looking for women and they are drawing joints and I am going to tell them about The Lord?' Talking of religion went to Spurs in the afternoon to see us draw nil nil with Hull. Even for people who do not like football, that sounds bad. Anyway after the great Al doc,came a French doc called The Soul Of Stax. There was some amazing footage in there, Sam and Dave performing You Don't Know (Which Issac Hayes revealed from a gospel song) with Booker T backing them, Rufus Thomas performing the Funky Chicken at a massive Stax gig and the young audience breaking through the barriers to dance in front of the stage (one guy pulling off striking northern Soul moves) William bell performing You Don't Miss Your water with just piano, and then stories about the great Otis, a man with such a huge heart, no wonder the Lord wanted him in Heaven quickly, as he did Teddy Pendergrass and Mick Green this week. Al made me want to pray, the Stax doc made me want to put on mohair. God and Mod, a great morning. That night was going go into the End for a drink with Dirty Den and Mal but by the time they called was plotted up ploughing through the Capello biog. So God bless Al and Otis and Stax, and God bless you. Paolo
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Not a lot to report. George got back to me having read my new children's home book But We All Shine On. His comment was typical of his shall we say succinct manner - 'your book is very good, very very good.' That was it. Glad to hear it though. Whenever I finish a project such as this I always find I can't really get a perspective. With But We All Shone On, I kept thinking I like this but am I fooling myself? Apparently not. Two other close links are reading it as well. See what they have to say. if you want to read an extract there is one on my website - paolohewitt.co.uk - It details the story of a guy called David who i was in the Home with nicking a car in Woking to go to court in Liverpool....Few people wrote in after my mentioning of the great Norman Jay yesterday. Got me thinking about 'celeb' fans and whether you can tell a club by the people it attracts. I think there is a lot in that. for example, Arsenal have got Piers Morgan and we have got Paul Whitehouse. Says it all really. Up British Library today researching. Would love to tell you what on but I have had too many ideas stolen in the past to go public so have to keep everything under wraps. Got a meeting tomorrow I'd love to tell you about but again my lips are sealed, loose talk costs commissions. Read an interview with John Hellier my co author on the Marriott book conducted by someone who I would say doesn't particularly like me, probably because of my Changing Man book. Which is absolutely fine. I take no offence at all. I understand completely why people love that book and why they hate it. I truly think God bless all and God bless you. Paolo
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Was out all day yesterday. Swim, steam, then up to the Mecca, back to the End, over to the British Library, back home, into town to appear on Spurs podcast with Norman Jay MBE (Member of the Bill Nicholson Empire). had not seen Norman in ages. He is truly one of the best DJ's around (check out the Good Times comp he compiles with his bruv Joey) and I have spent enough hours in clubs such as High On Hope grooving to his tunes. He is off to Australia in a couple of days time to carry the word - soul and Spurs! Then onto Antony's to watch Small Island. Antony is Pearl's brother. I was married to Pearl in the 80s. Shockingly, she died about four years ago and that sad event brought Anthony and I together. From there, we got together to write a script entitled Notting Dale which is currently doing the rounds.The script is a love story set in and around the 1958 Notting Hill riots and we have had some - if I say so myself - great feedback. Now we need some money. Small Island is based on Andrea Levy's best selling book and focuses on the Windrush generation. Much to like about it, some great acting and sharp lines, but much also to annoy such as the portentious voiceover and the cloying music. It also looked too nice for a London suffering the Second World War. Got home and put on Comedy channel. Am a big fan of King Of Queens, American show based in a working class family. Ben Stiller's dad Jerry plays a wonderful cranky lunatic who lives in their basement and drives them mad. In between the show, the channel often runs ads for stand up comic shows they are to air. All they do is make me pine for the great Sam Kinison who I discovered in the mid 80s. He made two albums and was that rare thing in a comic - very funny. His obssessions were religion and women. Example - Sam talking about the Last Supper, 'So Jesus goes out on a Friday night with twelve of his best mates, gets back Monday morning.....' Sam was derided in his time for being non PC which tended to happen a lot in the 80s. Today he would have been massive. Without Sam no Bill Hicks nd that line of humour, that is for sure. He was unique at the time, a true one off. Sam got into a lot of stuff but got himself together settled down and was then - big joke this - killed in a car crash. You can see him on You Tube. Watch him and then consider that today the biggest comic in the UK is Michael McIntyre. God Bless Sam Kinison, God bless Pearl, God bless you. Paolo
Monday, January 11, 2010
Diary - 11th Jan 2010
Very bitty day. Wanted to go to British Library but need my lap top which S is bringing over tonight. Start tomorrow. Am exploring a book idea, nothing more, but want to get on with it. have had my break, time to start fighting the forces of darkness once more. Also, I feel that in a month's time I will hopefully be overwhelmed with projects. There are several book and TV and film ideas bubbling away at the moment and some will come to the boil quicker than others. Need to be ready. Meanwhile, here is a weird one. Mr Baxter e mails and says a mutual of ours - the esteemed Signor Anthony Polledri of bar Italia fame - has just rung him to say he saw our short film The Mumper on BBC television last night at about eleven fifteen. This can not be so as no one from that fine organisation has been in touch with us. Yet Anthony who has never seen the film describes it perfectly. Guy walks into a pub with a horse and tries to sell it to six guys. Very strange If anyone out there can throw light on this, please do. Mike rings to ask me to do spurs podcast tomorrow night which of course I agree to. One pint I will make is that the current weather conditions have in fact given us a taste of what a winter break would be like. I like it myself. Plus we were due to play Liverpool away this Sunday but without one of our key players, Aaron Lennon. the enforced break now means he can now hopefully recover from his groin strain. Meanwhile, the team will be refreshed and ready. Cold still so i can't help throwing envious glances over towards Martin Chivers. he has just been asked to join a cruise ship on Barbados which will make its way lazily up to South America in the next two weeks. His job? To deliver a forty minute speech about his life going there, and a forty minute speech coming back. The rest of the time all his and all expenses paid. What can you say? Except God bless Chivers and God bless you. Paolo
Diary - 10th Jan 2010
Not a lot to report. Swim, papers, Italian football, 1988 Madness album, phone calls, bit of writing, Capello biography, a listen to BBC 6 Music station which made me want to investigate music by Phoenix, Black Ivory and a marching band called Mucapazza, then this diary. Sunday, sleepy Sunday. God Bless it, God bless you. Paolo
Diary - 9th Jan 2010
On Saturday went to Hampstead Heath for a walk to celebrate the birthday of squadron leader 'Nipper' Harris of the Fourth Battalion of the Yid Army. He had invited friends and foe alike to walk on the Heath, despite it being a million below zero and freezing conditions. Everyone gathered, we started off and within half an hour everyone was in the pub. One of his friends who I got parlaring with had run two successful clubs in London. He worked in the City by day, ran the clubs at night. Then he did a Chic and quit his nine to five to concentrate on the clubs. Big mistake. Within a year he was using all sorts just to get him through the day to get him into the night. Finally, he dragged himself to India, de toxed, and then came back to work as a..............landscape gardener. Made me think how London can be so vicious if you let it be. London can chew you up, spit you out, send you scurrying into the shadows for the rest of your life. It can also realise your wildest dreams. I have lived here now for thirty years and I still do not consoder it 'my' city. I am still a stranger here, still an outsider. London is too vast to become personalised. It still contains sights and sounds I have yet to experience, still retains the capacity to astonish me. Anyway back to Nipper. In Danny Baker and Kelly's new book there is a top ten list of decent football books. In at seven is mine and Guigsy's Robin Friday book. At number six is Nipper's book Dear Alan Dear Harry which details Nipper's hilarious correspondence with Tottenham during the Alan Sugar years. That his book is honoured above mine has made his year even though he relied heavily on the talents of another writer to get it completed. And that other writer was of course....moi. So if you ever bump into Nipper and he starts giving you this line stop him in his tracks and tell him that you know the truth. Still, got to give it to Danny Kelly for having such great taste. God bless Danny, Nipper, London and of course, your good self. Paolo
On Saturday went to Hampstead Heath for a walk to celebrate the birthday of squadron leader 'Nipper' Harris of the Fourth Battalion of the Yid Army. He had invited friends and foe alike to walk on the Heath, despite it being a million below zero and freezing conditions. Everyone gathered, we started off and within half an hour everyone was in the pub. One of his friends who I got parlaring with had run two successful clubs in London. He worked in the City by day, ran the clubs at night. Then he did a Chic and quit his nine to five to concentrate on the clubs. Big mistake. Within a year he was using all sorts just to get him through the day to get him into the night. Finally, he dragged himself to India, de toxed, and then came back to work as a..............landscape gardener. Made me think how London can be so vicious if you let it be. London can chew you up, spit you out, send you scurrying into the shadows for the rest of your life. It can also realise your wildest dreams. I have lived here now for thirty years and I still do not consoder it 'my' city. I am still a stranger here, still an outsider. London is too vast to become personalised. It still contains sights and sounds I have yet to experience, still retains the capacity to astonish me. Anyway back to Nipper. In Danny Baker and Kelly's new book there is a top ten list of decent football books. In at seven is mine and Guigsy's Robin Friday book. At number six is Nipper's book Dear Alan Dear Harry which details Nipper's hilarious correspondence with Tottenham during the Alan Sugar years. That his book is honoured above mine has made his year even though he relied heavily on the talents of another writer to get it completed. And that other writer was of course....moi. So if you ever bump into Nipper and he starts giving you this line stop him in his tracks and tell him that you know the truth. Still, got to give it to Danny Kelly for having such great taste. God bless Danny, Nipper, London and of course, your good self. Paolo
Friday, January 8, 2010
Diary - 8th Jan 2010
Seem to be writing this diary at about the same time every day. Here is a question. How does your mind work? This morning was in Crouch End pulling out money from the machine, time about 7.45. (Early I know but when the Mighty Cockerel crows first thing in the morning I can't help but rise with it.) When I turn around from the machine I am facing a bookshop which has now been open for about six months and which I like a lot. Interesting books at sane prices. How long before the Kindle takes over an the shop is empty? I then recall that the last time I was in there I got talking to the owner. He told me that the music writer Simon Goddard lives above him. Goddard has just published a book about Morrissey. Personally, I can't swing for the man's music primarily because of one very small factor - Morrissey can't sing. He can write a great song title and some biting lyrics but he certainly can not sing. Which for a man who loves his soul msuic is a bit of a problemo. This gets me thinking about how many Mancs can't actually sing - Mark E Smith, Ian Curtis, Shaun Ryder (I once interviewed Ryder, asked him how long he had been singing. He spluttered, 'Singing? F-- singing. I didn't know I was a singer until some c- in the pub the other night told me...') In fact Liam G. is about the only one of that generation who can hold a tune. (Tim Burgess also but I am not sure if he a Manc) I clear my mind, buy a paper from the news stand outside the KFC. I open up the sports pages and the first headline I read says Man City Earning Power Lags Behind Spurs. Spurs have the fifth biggest turnover in the Prem, in fact it will take Man City years to catch up with us. So now I am thinking about Mancs again and how cheeky they were in trying to say they had invented Acid House when it had been going for at least a year before they got hold of it, so I clear my mind, quick as I can, time about 7.51, and decide to write about all this when I get home. Which emans God bless Manchester and God bless you. Paolo
Diary - 7th Jan 2010
Friend and fellow scribe e mails, tells me he saw Sherlock Holmes film, not the moron fest' the trailer suggested he says. But still unsatisfactory. I spend time thinking about Guy Ritchie. Have only seen one of his films, Lock Stock and it wasn't for me. What puts me off is this silly macho element that seems to accompany all his work. Sherlock being turned into a cagefighter being a case in point. In fact, as I was saying to a friend today, someone should produce a game in which you have to imagine Guy Ritchie's take on various historical figures. Therefore, Jesus. 'He smashed up the money lenders and then took two ham sandwiches and five pints of lager and turned them into Wetherspoons!'' Einstein 'You think your smart with numbers, son - you aint met Albert 'ave you?'. I jest. In his defence, I met a girl once who had worked with him and said he was the most positive man she had ever come across. Plus, I have to say he had some ballsl marrying Madonna. I mean, from day one you know full well that is not going to be a stroll in the park on lazy Sunday afternoon, is it? So let's just say let a Guy be a Guy, for as my man Ray once sang, we are all God's children. God's children? You thought you were hard.........Stop it! Had the meet with the book company
today, all went well. Got taken to Nando's after by the company head, fascinating guy who amongst many other things, played Paddington Bear, acted in Joe Orton's play The Erphingham Camp at University and supports Bolton Wanderers. Snow everywhere but both Mr Baxter and I discovered that the most stylish and yet most practical shoe for the modern snowfall is none other than my San Paolo range of corduroy shoes. They protect and yet still manage to catch the eye of the passer by. Invest now, children. Have been rung up by 606 and invited to play in a six a side charity game, set provisionally for late Feb. I was on their show the day we beat Wigan 9-1 and co-incidentally have just started on their presenter Gabriele Marcotti's Capello biography. Three pages in and I am hooked. God bless Italia, Capello, and God bless you. Paolo
today, all went well. Got taken to Nando's after by the company head, fascinating guy who amongst many other things, played Paddington Bear, acted in Joe Orton's play The Erphingham Camp at University and supports Bolton Wanderers. Snow everywhere but both Mr Baxter and I discovered that the most stylish and yet most practical shoe for the modern snowfall is none other than my San Paolo range of corduroy shoes. They protect and yet still manage to catch the eye of the passer by. Invest now, children. Have been rung up by 606 and invited to play in a six a side charity game, set provisionally for late Feb. I was on their show the day we beat Wigan 9-1 and co-incidentally have just started on their presenter Gabriele Marcotti's Capello biography. Three pages in and I am hooked. God bless Italia, Capello, and God bless you. Paolo
Diary - 6th Jan 2010
Had meet with Baxter yesterday in Bar Italia, in course of it he tells me that electronic books - Kindles - are taking off in America,, on course to replace the book. My stomach sinks at this news. I am not against technology. Love computers, internet etc. However, don't buy the if-it-is-new-it-is-better line. CD's, for example. Biggest con of the 20th century. Not better than a vinyl album, in any way whatsoever. Feel the same way about Kindle. No jacket cover, no intimacy, the book reduced to page after page of impersonal type. Bax tells me, forget books get into documentaries. Today get e mail from TV company we gave our Fashion of Football book to for possible documentary. E mail a tale of woe about the TV industry, no money, no this, no that. The fight continues. Watched Somers Town, last night, Shane Meadows film. Liked it a lot. Two kids very good - even though story slightly implausible. Today writing sleeve notes for 1988 Madness album called The Madness. Four of the band - no Woody or Bedders - made the album after Madness split. They sound like everyone -except Madness. Quite intriguing.Also finished off wring a film treatment for my Marriott biography which I sent to an actor / writer called Malcolm Ridley. I met Malcolm four years ago on a Soho street. He stopped me and then dragged me into a pub and said he had to make a film of my Marriott book. I smiled a lot and got out of there quick as I could. A year ago, through a mutual friend, we re-connected. He still wanted to make a film of my Marriott book. Over Xmas we have been bouncing back versions of treatments. (film proposals that go to film companies and tell them to give you loads and loads of money) The one I sent him today I think is the strongest. I read it this morning and thought, I would pay a lot of money to see that film. Which is a testament to Steve Marriott not my writing. During all this time the pop biog film - Control, Telstar, Nowhere Boy, Sex and Drugs - seems to have taken off. Not just saying it, but I can not think of a better life to film than Marriott's. Just to add the spookiness, last night Baxter sent over an MP3 of the man doing a version of Think which has just surfaced. I listened to it and thought, Steve you should have just stuck to r'n'b mate, it is where you shone like no other. Also - Des e mailed me. Attached loads of photos from our time in the Children's Home. Really brought a smile to my face looking at them. Loads of us smiling and playing around. And quiet a few which could make a striking book cover.Bless all those children I grew up with, they were great. And bless you as well. x
Diary - 4th Jan 2010
Came down, made espresso, turned on TV, Celebrity Brother on the airwaves. I watch it for two minutes and realise I don't recognise one person on there, apart from Ronnnie Wood's girlfriend. Ah dear Ronnie, one of my first hero's, back in my schooldays when I fell in Love with the Faces. I loved that guitar sound he got, I loved his clothes. In fact when i met him about a million years ago I told him how much I loved the red suit he wore on the inside sleeve of Rod's solo album, Smiler. He said to me, 'did you get yourself one?' I replied, 'your joking aren't you? I lived in Woking at the time. Wear a red suit into town on a Friday night there and they would rip you to pieces.' I wasn't joking, either. tried to get a book about The Faces off the ground last year. Despite my Marriott and SF books selling ten thousand copies each, couldn't get a deal. Then I discovered Andy Neil got one for Ominbus, should be out this year and I am sure will be great. Dr Robert e mailed back from Spain. he and his family have finally moved into their dream house which they have been building forever and the Blow Monkeys are recording a new album in February. I am so pleased for him. If anyone deserves great success it is that man. Since moving to Spain, he has been building up a catalogue of really good solo albums for years now, quietly knocking on that door. Now it is opening up for him and I couldn't be happier. Back to Big brother. It does amuse me how Ronnie Wood - and others - get so much stick over the age of their girlfriends. Generally speaking, (and not at all speaking about Ronnie) I agree with my man Pete B in Australia. If it is not hurting anyone what's the problem? Once you reach a certain age are you not allowed to have fun? You get too many people in newspapers and magazines lecturing you about what you should be doing, what you shouldn't be doing. I remember in the mid 90s all the people who I used to see in clubs, suddenly writing page after page about how middle age people should behave and should not not be seen in clubs etc. I always felt it was because they were now married etc and if they couldn't have a good time no one else could. Today, I have two meetings, one with Mark Baxter to discuss a fashion book idea for a company we are seeing on Thursday and one with a TV guy to discuss an idea of mine. Hope you have a great day as well. And bless you. Paolo
Monday, January 4, 2010
DIARY - January 3rd 2010
JAN 3RD 20.27. PM
Get up, text my close amico, Nipper. Last night, he was going off to see the John Lennon film, Nowhere Boy wanted to know what he thought. He didn't go. Saw the Guy Ritchie film Sherlock Holmes instead. I tell him I would rather watch Grimsby youth team in the pouring rain on a Tuesday night. He said after
watching the film he agreed that would be a better experience. Spent morning reading papers, then down the pool. I try and go every day now. Either it kicks me up in the morning or after a hard day at this computer it brings me back to life. Plus you get to talk with some of the chaps and admire some womdeful human forms....Back home watched Leeds beat Man U. What a game, heart in mouth stuff. I really wanted Leeds to win as my agent supports them and a happy agent for any writer is a very good thing....Afterwards, I texted my man Bax and said bet spurs get Leeds in the next round which means by end of Jan I won't have an agent any more. And sure enough that is precisely who we were drawn against. Spoke to Mr Munn later on, the esteemed author of Mr Cool's Dream, that fine TSC biog. Mr Munn handles my web site for me, shows me how to place notes like this etc. When I called he was at the Dundee - Airdrie game which his team Dundee lost. I called him back just now and he said he would show me how to publish this diary in exchange for a plug for his book. Which I have just done. So bless him and bless you.
Get up, text my close amico, Nipper. Last night, he was going off to see the John Lennon film, Nowhere Boy wanted to know what he thought. He didn't go. Saw the Guy Ritchie film Sherlock Holmes instead. I tell him I would rather watch Grimsby youth team in the pouring rain on a Tuesday night. He said after
watching the film he agreed that would be a better experience. Spent morning reading papers, then down the pool. I try and go every day now. Either it kicks me up in the morning or after a hard day at this computer it brings me back to life. Plus you get to talk with some of the chaps and admire some womdeful human forms....Back home watched Leeds beat Man U. What a game, heart in mouth stuff. I really wanted Leeds to win as my agent supports them and a happy agent for any writer is a very good thing....Afterwards, I texted my man Bax and said bet spurs get Leeds in the next round which means by end of Jan I won't have an agent any more. And sure enough that is precisely who we were drawn against. Spoke to Mr Munn later on, the esteemed author of Mr Cool's Dream, that fine TSC biog. Mr Munn handles my web site for me, shows me how to place notes like this etc. When I called he was at the Dundee - Airdrie game which his team Dundee lost. I called him back just now and he said he would show me how to publish this diary in exchange for a plug for his book. Which I have just done. So bless him and bless you.
DIARY - January 2nd 2010
22.01 pm
Up by eight, in swimming pool and steam room by nine thirty. Again, bella day. Sky richly blue, air colder now but still clean and powerful. Home by ten thirty, played Richard Hawley album – again. Am mesmerised by this album. Last track now my favourite. Nine fantastic minutes long. On some of his other songs he sounds like an engineer in 1957 hallucinating in the studio, adding layers of sounds to his rich songs. Read Independent, watched Football Focus but got bored with it. Phoned my family in Italy, wished them Happy New Year, also Robert in Spain but the good Doctor not in his surgery. One message stood out. An old friend from Woking writes in. She is in the Honours list of 2010 for her work for the pensions department. The Queen will honour her. Amazing. Norman Jay was the only one I knew who the Queen has honoured. I write back and tell her I will kneel before her when next we meet. She writes back, says do you know about my son? She sends me a link. Click. It is an article from the local paper. Her son collects…….Hoovers. He has 100 in his house. All started when he was a kid. He was scared of Hoovers then one day his gran showed him how they worked and fear turned to obsession. Now he owns 100 Hoovers. I want to write back with a joke about cleaning up but can’t think of one. Go to Spurs in the afternoon. Peterborough the opponents. The Mighty Cockerels stroll around the park and eventually start banging in the goals. Defoe actually missed from one yard out. Peterborough never really look like scoring until right at the end. Four nil the Spurs. Next week Liverpool. I go home, and here I am. Bless me and bless you
22.01 pm
Up by eight, in swimming pool and steam room by nine thirty. Again, bella day. Sky richly blue, air colder now but still clean and powerful. Home by ten thirty, played Richard Hawley album – again. Am mesmerised by this album. Last track now my favourite. Nine fantastic minutes long. On some of his other songs he sounds like an engineer in 1957 hallucinating in the studio, adding layers of sounds to his rich songs. Read Independent, watched Football Focus but got bored with it. Phoned my family in Italy, wished them Happy New Year, also Robert in Spain but the good Doctor not in his surgery. One message stood out. An old friend from Woking writes in. She is in the Honours list of 2010 for her work for the pensions department. The Queen will honour her. Amazing. Norman Jay was the only one I knew who the Queen has honoured. I write back and tell her I will kneel before her when next we meet. She writes back, says do you know about my son? She sends me a link. Click. It is an article from the local paper. Her son collects…….Hoovers. He has 100 in his house. All started when he was a kid. He was scared of Hoovers then one day his gran showed him how they worked and fear turned to obsession. Now he owns 100 Hoovers. I want to write back with a joke about cleaning up but can’t think of one. Go to Spurs in the afternoon. Peterborough the opponents. The Mighty Cockerels stroll around the park and eventually start banging in the goals. Defoe actually missed from one yard out. Peterborough never really look like scoring until right at the end. Four nil the Spurs. Next week Liverpool. I go home, and here I am. Bless me and bless you
January 2010
I aim to add a daily Diary to FACEBOOK - Please add me on Facebook to read my diary.
AN 1ST 2010
Big admirer of Joe Orton’s diaries so decided wouldn’t mind creating one myself. Feel good about coming year. I have several projects in varying degrees of progress. One is a book called But We All Shine On - The Remarkable Orphans Of Burbank Children’s Home. Burbank, the children’s home I used to live in. For the book I found four of the guys I once shared the house with, see how they got on with their lives. All good. Very positive. Book company, Aurum, have manuscript. Waiting to hear on their reaction to it. Sent them first manuscript in November but it was too unwieldy, the structure sprawling. When the editor called me in, told me, it was a good shot across my bows. See, went to it straight after Chivers book was finished, did not step back. Did not contemplate. Much better now. Cut out loads of waste. Built a new structure. Have also sent it to two close links – JC and GG. Respect their views. Waiting to hear on their reaction. Apart from walk played Richard Hawley’s new album Truelove’s Gutter many times. Love it to death. My favourite at the moment is Remorse Code but then I just watched the vid for For Your Lover, Give Some Time on You Tube and now that is edged in my mind. Sometimes it as if is Elvis (who I don’t dig) was produced by Phil Spector. On mogadon. Hawley like all the greats makes everything sound so simple. Yet his music is grand, unique. This one will run and run. Spurs – Peterborough tomorrow. Should be fine. Harry Redknapp the manager has put our faith back into the team. He really is an exceptional manager, a man who has been successful at every club he has managed – apart from that silly year at Southampton. Like many, he never gets the credit his skill deserves. Got to go with Big Sam on this. If Harry’s surname was Redknappio he would be lauded to the skies. As it is he has respect but not in the volume his work deserves. He is a Special One, no doubt about it. Bless him. And bless you.
I aim to add a daily Diary to FACEBOOK - Please add me on Facebook to read my diary.
AN 1ST 2010
Big admirer of Joe Orton’s diaries so decided wouldn’t mind creating one myself. Feel good about coming year. I have several projects in varying degrees of progress. One is a book called But We All Shine On - The Remarkable Orphans Of Burbank Children’s Home. Burbank, the children’s home I used to live in. For the book I found four of the guys I once shared the house with, see how they got on with their lives. All good. Very positive. Book company, Aurum, have manuscript. Waiting to hear on their reaction to it. Sent them first manuscript in November but it was too unwieldy, the structure sprawling. When the editor called me in, told me, it was a good shot across my bows. See, went to it straight after Chivers book was finished, did not step back. Did not contemplate. Much better now. Cut out loads of waste. Built a new structure. Have also sent it to two close links – JC and GG. Respect their views. Waiting to hear on their reaction. Apart from walk played Richard Hawley’s new album Truelove’s Gutter many times. Love it to death. My favourite at the moment is Remorse Code but then I just watched the vid for For Your Lover, Give Some Time on You Tube and now that is edged in my mind. Sometimes it as if is Elvis (who I don’t dig) was produced by Phil Spector. On mogadon. Hawley like all the greats makes everything sound so simple. Yet his music is grand, unique. This one will run and run. Spurs – Peterborough tomorrow. Should be fine. Harry Redknapp the manager has put our faith back into the team. He really is an exceptional manager, a man who has been successful at every club he has managed – apart from that silly year at Southampton. Like many, he never gets the credit his skill deserves. Got to go with Big Sam on this. If Harry’s surname was Redknappio he would be lauded to the skies. As it is he has respect but not in the volume his work deserves. He is a Special One, no doubt about it. Bless him. And bless you.
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